Friday, April 20, 2007


Yes! Yes! Yes!


Caroline said...

er, yes, splendid, whatever! sounds like you're smiling so it's got to be good!

Merlin said...

I am taking a guess that it is a dress. Either that or you probably shouldn't be posting at all.

sally said...

Merlin, you too made me laugh...and I am still laughing..what did I do before I discovered all my little hob bloggling friends???

Merlin said...

Hang on, you carefully avoided confirming it was a dress. Now I am really suspicious (although I suppose you might have found the new Cadburys chocolate)!

Kathryn said...

IS there new chocolate?????

I thought I was being left out of some amazing happening that everyone in the whole world knew about...
Am now much relieved a)that Sally will not be the naked m-o-t-b and b)that Caroline at least was as baffled as me!
I guess this is my week for feeling insecure neurotic and emotional (that's f.i.n.e.!)
But bravo!

sally said...

Kathryn, you have to click on Merlin m(he won't mind, to read his blog: he mentions new Cadbury's chocolate in one of his recent posts..I haevn't found it yet..please don't feel insecure:actually, hang on, I feel ok today, so I guess it must be someone else's turn....sorry...